Would you like to feel more fulfilled, centered and in charge of your life? Throughout 2010, Unity is offering a wide variety of educational resources to help you learn about 12 spiritual abilities you already possess.
Charles Fillmore, Unity's co-founder, called them the "Twelve Powers." These spiritual abilities were perfectly expressed by Jesus and are present in every person. We invite you on a yearlong spiritual journey to discover how to put these Powers to work and create the life of your dreams.
Using the Powers Month by Month
At first glance, the Powers may seem complex, but they are really practical spiritual gifts that each person uses every day. In this Resource Center we'll post a variety of materials to not only help you learn about the Twelve Powers but also to help you apply them in your life.
One new Power will be featured each month. Resources will include readings, meditations, songs, affirmations, podcasts and a variety of other materials—all relating to the Power of the month.
Explore the Powers: